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    Discover the most important ingredient in a Christian’s life

    It’s been said you can live 40 days without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without air. But you can’t live 4 seconds without hope. Join our brand new series on “Discover the Word” as we discover our hope of Christ.

    Enjoying His Meal

    It’s not about the table, whether it’s square or round. It’s not about the chairs—plastic or wooden. It’s not about the food, although it helps if it has been cooked with love. A good meal is enjoyed when we turn off the TV and our cell phones and concentrate on those we’re with.

    Your Body

    I like to write out my thoughts before I type them. But when I use an old pen that rolls roughly across the paper, my thoughts thump along in fits and starts. When I can’t squeeze the ink out, I can’t squeeze the words out, and I quickly toss the pen aside for a better one. A free-flowing pen opens my mind, and the words often come pouring out as fast as I can write them.

    Jesus: Man, Messiah, or More? The Resurrection of Jesus, Part VIII

    Was Jesus really the Son of God and the Messiah the Bible claims, or was He merely human like the rest of us? For the last 10 years, a group of scholars have been studying this very issue. Watch as they put forth their evidence, and then decide for yourself who Jesus really was. For 2000 years, the resurrection has been the crowning event of Christian faith. But is it more than a matter of faith? Is there historical evidence of an empty tomb?

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    The Miracles of Jesus: Did They Really Happen? Part I

    Today, many people respect the historical figure of Jesus as a great teacher, a wise man, or a moral leader who was unjustly tortured and put to death. But they don’t believe He is what He said He was—God in human form. Nor do they believe He actually preformed the miracles recorded in the Bible. Since most people have never seen the natural, physical laws of the universe obviously altered, many doubt that true miracles could ever occur. Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung investigate evidence for a miracle-working Jesus.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Divine Rescue & The Three Faiths of Jerusalem, Part V

    You only need to look at the headlines in the news to realize that something is very wrong with the human condition. From ancient times, people have been trying to find a way to regain what was lost in the Garden of Eden. In Divine Rescue and The Three Faiths of Jerusalem see how Jewish, Christian, and Muslim people view the need of divine rescue from our urge to live life at the expense of others.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Following Jesus in a Land of Conflict: An Arab and Jewish Conversation, Part I—Taking Sides

    We’re all aware of the conflict between the Jewish and Palestinian people.
    The eyes of the world are on the struggle for peace in this region. But one of the difficult questions is, “Where do followers of Christ line up in this issue?”

    The people of this land are divided by walls, fences, and mutual fears. But what happens if two of them—one Jewish, the other Arab—decide to walk in the footsteps of Christ? “Following Jesus in a Land of Conflict,” should followers of Christ take sides? . . . on this Day of Discovery.

    Other parts of the series:
    Following Jesus in…

    The songs of Christmas come to life–Christmas Program

    For many of us, Christmas carols bring back powerful memories of holidays gone by. But many of these songs have their own intriguing history. Join us for a special Christmas edition of “Words To Live By” as we bring to life the music of the season with the stories and Scriptures that inspired it. Find…

    What It’s Like to have a “White Christmas”

    Over the past four years, I have spent my Christmases in the snow-swept plains of northern United States. Having grown up in the subtropics, white Christmas was a new experience for me. In the beginning, the snowy landscapes are breathtakingly beautiful. But after a while, the long […]

    Remembering Advent, Overcoming Frustration

    It is December and the season of Advent is upon us! A time to remember and consider how God in all His glory humbled Himself and came into our world. A time of expectation and hope. A time of looking forward to the promise of redemption and […]

    A Ukrainian Christmas

    The people of Ukraine include many wonderful elements in their observance of Christmas. Sometimes wisps of hay are placed on the dinner table as a reminder of the Bethlehem manger. Another portion of their celebration echoes the events of the night when the Savior entered the world. A Christmas prayer is offered and then the father in the household offers the greeting, “Christ is born!” The family then responds, “Let us glorify Him!”

    Jesus: Man, Messiah, or More? The Crucifixion, Part VII

    Was Jesus really the Son of God and the Messiah the Bible claims, or was He merely human like the rest of us? For the last 10 years, a group of scholars have been studying this very issue. Watch as they put forth their evidence, and then decide for yourself who Jesus really was. Who actually killed Jesus, and why? Was His death simply an unfortunate event?

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Messiah & The Three Faiths of Jerusalem, Part VI

    All three of the major monotheistic faiths—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—have focused their hopes for future peace on the land of Israel, especially its capital city, Jerusalem. Here there is hope for a coming Messiah who will save all who place their trust in Him and bring final peace to the world. Discover what these three faiths have in common, and where their beliefs on the Messiah differ.

    Runtime: 26 minutes

    Followers of Jesus in a Land of Conflict

    What kind of kingdom did Jesus come to establish? In the land of the Bible, where He once walked, political and ethnic conflict is still a part of everyday life. What happened to Jesus’ mission to bring peace to the world? Hosts Mart DeHaan and Jimmy DeYoung travel to this global hotspot and meet Christians of both Arab and Jewish descent. Hear what they have learned about the true kingdom of God.

    Other part of the series:
    Israel & The Politics of Faith, Part I Available for Purchase:
    Israel & The Politics of Faith 2-Part DVD

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